Friday, 18 May 2012

Head Construction 13

Looking better, need to make the primary shapes more solid. 

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Head Construction 12

I'm going to have to go slower and think more about these eggheads. Maybe focus on one or two instead of 4-6. These egg shapes don't come naturally and take a lot of discipline to get them down right. Its actually some of the most difficult stuff I have ever drawn. 

I need to be extra careful drawing these in future and need to be a lot more critical on my final work.

I wish I had more time to sit down and do the corrections. Hopefully have more time tomorrow. 

Again I believe i managed to maintain the appeal but couldn't hold together the solidity of the original drawing. 

This bloody thing is a pain, always putting the mouth to low. At least i captured some of the appeal in the original drawing. 

 This mouse head started well but got worse and worse with every added feature.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Head Construction 11

These eggheads will be the absolute death of me.

I will do corrections tomorrow. Need to focus on the actual egg shape then focus more on fitting the expression correctly. 

Friday, 11 May 2012

Head construction 10

My progress is slow but is progress non the less and that is what keeps me going. Its interesting to see all the smaller details slowly falling into the right position. 

 The ears and the hair line seem to be my only remaining problems on this bear character. Although I believe I am catching the appeal of the character at the expense of some minor details.
I forgot to mention that the head needs to be more solid in my red notes.

I'm going to start beasting these egg heads. The egg shape is complicated one to draw and to draw it with solidity is even harder. I had drawn more for this post but they turned out so bad I saw no need to post them. Expect more from me either tomorrow or monday. Might take the weekend off...cant decide. 

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Head Construction

I eventually got the ears and the hairline to match..well almost. Progress at last. Now I can start pulling all the features together. Going to put annotations on the next lot of drawings. 

 My first egg head is better, the second is a bit of a mess. Need to slow down on that one.

 Going to start working on more faces on top of the ones above. My cold is killing me so I'm going to stop for now. More tomorrow I hope.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012


Ive been busy this past month but i wasnt going to let that stop me from updating my blog. Im also sick as a dog. 

Here are some quick studies to get back into the swing of things. I'll do the corrections tomorrow. 

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Even though i believe my studies are getting better i still seem to be suffering from the same problems each time. Even when i try to correct them i dont seem to be getting close to correcting all of my mistakes.

My main issues seem to be in the eyebrows and the hairline above them, the ears position and with the mouth and the hairline above that.

The snout i seems to be a lot closer each time and i have minor issues with the eyes but im slowly starting to fix them. 

I believe i may not be making the larger forms strong enough or setting it at the right rotation for all the features and subfeatures to fit the way they should. I will look at that again when i come back to this tomorrow. 

What is nice is to see how my drawings are already starting to look alot better then they did 6 posts ago.