Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Jan 9th-Jan 17th Learning

Here are more studies. Im still having the same problem with head shapes and eyes but im gradually seeing more improvement. Proportions are getting better.

My first Jerry head in the top left is to rushed. So for the other three i slowed down and i believe they turned out a lot better.

My line work on this is a lot nicer than it usually is, a few issues with the head shape and space but better than i could of done three weeks ago.

The rabbit below shows the same continuing problem i have with the position in the eyes. I cant quite but my finger on it but they don't look right. Maybes its because they are pointing in opposite directions.

Without straying to far with what ive learned from the Preston Blair books i tried to make my own character based on what ive learned. A little generic but its a nice start.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

What i have learned

I referenced a real goat for this then put what ive been learning through Preston Blairs book to see if im learning anything. What do you guys think?

Monday, 9 January 2012

After computer break part 2: Construction

Here is my study of head construction from the time my computer broke. Again like the last post it will hopefully in the order of which they were drawn and end on the most recent:

Here are the reference images


I also have the book in my house so I'm not relying on these grainy scans.

After Computer break part 1: Circle

My computer broke but here are some of my circle studies during that time. I like to think they are getting better but there are a few things that are still proving to be quite problematic. I seem to make the lines to thick around the edges and draw the circles more like spheres, this came to my attention when i needed to rotate the paper. Here they are hopefully in the order of which they were drawn. The last drawing on the scroll being the most recent: